Soul BE-ing.
Kanika is your path to inner healing AND a certification program to bring the healing you experience to others.
The Kanika certification teaches you how to shine, and be in flow WITH life, rather than against it. This is achieved by honouring the bones and their akashic records.
Honouring the bones is necessary because they hold the wisdom of our ancestors, our generational dialogue, our parallel trauma, and our human narrative.
When you work with the bones, you work with the CORE of CREATION. Once witnessed, felt and released, TRANSFORMATION is INEVITABLE.
The BONES are the sacred scrolls of wisdom, holding every MOMENT of time, space from the beginning of life from itself.

Like miles upon miles of Papyrus, layered with hieroglyphs, RIPE for the rewiring, where body and emotional alchemy land.
KANIKA clears the pathways, so you can return to your wholeness.
Releasing the pressure that binds us to pain, through the core trinity foundations of bones, breath and beliefs, to liberate the Truest, most sovereign, powerful version of you!
You were born SOVEREIGN. Which means you were born a Creative, Innocent BEing, who held full authority. Your channels of energy, emotions, consciousness and wellbeing ran true. Free flowing. You cried when you were asking for your needs to be met. You giggled when you were happy.
Over time the templates and conditions started to bind up the body, bones and breath. Your canvas was blank, and the more you grew, the more binding the conversation in your consciousness and body. See trauma, it stagnates, blocks and disturbs the way you see life, the way you show up and the way in which you process information.
KANIKA clears the pathways, so you can return to your wholeness.
It is when there is too much information and the body cannot process the emotions relevant to that moment in time. Too much, too soon, too fast. Once trauma occurs, which is when the BREATH is taken away, a BELIEF is floated in the nervous system and if it lasts longer than a few days the records of the belief get lodged in the BONES.

Karen Briggs
"Kanika has impacted my life in so many ways. It is the safest I have ever felt in my body. Kanika has released the trauma from my bones that created PTSD after a serious accident, I no longer hold on to the side of the car for dear life, I can even drive into the city without going into a panic.
It has also helped me reclaim the power in me by bringing me home to my truth and unraveling the stories that weren’t mine to hold in the first place. I love Kanika and the sovereignty it brings."

Kanika Practitioner Certification
✔️Kanika Practitioner Certification
✔️Weekly Bone Therapy
✔️Support Pod
✔️Life-time Access to Recordings
✔️In-person Kanika Retreat
✔️VIP Sessions
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In the beginning there was the WORD. The word was GOD.
And in the conversation with Creation the first cells after conception that are created are the BONES and the first energy exchange with the outside world as you are birthed is the BREATH. The BONES, BREATH and BELIEFS are the CORE TRINITY Foundation.
Kanika is a unique Therapy, designed to work distance or in person. Used to clear the blocked drain pipes within the body to allow for new consciousness, breath and life force to mobilise. When this occurs, oxygen starts flooding the new open channels and allows for deep healing and wound healing.
No matter what the situation is, KANIKA will support its release because all trauma stops breath & momentum.
No situation is off limits, no matter how small or large.
in coaching
Kanika can be applied to new belief structures, opening your client to new levels of success, opportunity and identity, helping them shift into NEW ways.
in teaching
Kanika can help release sensory trauma whereby the perception of the being, animal, human or otherwise can be impaired, opening the student up to receive the information with more ease and recollection.
In facilitating
Kanika can open the space when/if the group or community are feeling under pressure, allowing for more empowered communication.
In day to day life
Kanika can help relax anyone with anxiety, depression or shock, by releasing the trauma out of the bones and breath and helping the person breath with more ease. Helping the situation breath, so everyone can breath. With technology, it can help the body of the user assimilate any fear, so they work in the higher consciousness and utilise it as an extended tool for themselves.
"I had Kanika recently with Corrie, and to be honest, I felt such a shift in both my physical body and emotional. I could feel the shift in my stomach, and back, and felt the support in my body like I have never felt before.
When I stood up, it was like a small collapse and ground into myself and this was powerful. This cleared so much physically and mentally for me, and I felt a whole new level of unravelling beginning and has really set me on a good path for continuing this."

Carolyn Lowe
KANIKA is Sanskrit for SEED of the GOLDEN ATOM.
KANIKA is Sacred and was birthed within community in December 2020.
The true Sovereign BEing energy. Whereby your Erotic Innocence is the truth of you, without all the conditions and templates of trauma perpetuated by society and familial patterns.
>> KANIKA works at the very core foundation of you. Your body, your beliefs and your breath.
>> KANIKA is the original essence. The Primordial Seed, guided back to our consciousness by the Original Grandmothers.
>> KANIKA works within the DNA, the Body, the World, the Quantum Field.
>> SHE bridges Heaven and Earth, Spirit and Matter, reminding people of their Embodied Spirit.
Cultivating Safety Kanika allows the Practitioner and the Client to drop into a deep sense of protection, safety and Sacred Space. At KANIKA our highest value is safety. Safety when anchored allows the body to take a breath.
From here we allow the STORY to unravel from the tapestry of your BONES.
The bones are where we store all the Ancient wisdom from our ancestors and what we offer our descendants. Through cultivating safety, we unburden the body and allow for the nervous system to rewire from a regulated space. Through this you locate the original core trauma and release it through this simple yet POTENT and Powerful Therapy.
“Life cannot be the same as you release the BONES, BREATH and BELIEFS of the old conditions and templates.”
meet the

Corrie Taylor
Founder of Kanika
Corrie Taylor knows what it is like to feel subdued by trauma her entire life. Her Mother was led to believe Corrie had no heart beat and that the next step would be to birth a stillborn. This set a trauma precedent for Corrie which wove years of energy leaks and blocked emotional processing abilities, and set her on a path of dis-ease. Suffering from Grande Mal Epileptic Seizures that several times almost took her life, Corrie healed this through the tenacity of her Mother’s efforts and a medical herbalist at the age of 12yrs old. Only to realise a life of pain from there, including fibromyalgia, endometriosis, hashimoto’s thryoiditis and irritable bowel syndrome.
After years of learning healing modalities, 15yrs of Clinical Experience as a Medical Herbalist, Corrie found that until we got to the CORE of the pain, there would be NO LONG TERM Health and Vitality. And Slowly but surely the more aligned Corrie became with what she was being shown to do, the more her body started to heal. 1 year later she was shown a very sacred symbol, which would later be channeled to be called KANIKA. A mix of clearing the key three trinity foundations of true Health, Power and TRUTH.
The Bones, Breath and Beliefs. KANIKA. The Primordial essence of ourselves/cells before conditions, templates and ancestral trauma are activated in the tapestry of the body. The Original Goo, as it wore.
Over 3yrs, Corrie started refining this Therapy and finding so many ways to express it, that it was time to bring it to the World. But for it to be embodied Corrie committed to 9x months of using KANIKA daily, as a transmission, therapy and introspective psychological tool to enhancing her perspective of the World.
When Corrie applied her daily, her business went from $35,000 to $200,000 in cash. Her marriage went from almost separated to fully fledged intimacy. Her Motherhood from codependency to a deep interpersonal healthy relationship. And her body from daily pain to able to complete 60x Hiit sessions, yoga and 15k walks when desired, without burnout or lactic acid trauma. And so Corrie decided it was time to birth her and teach others to use her powerful RECLAMATION for the Earth, all Sentient Being’s and family.
To call us back to our original blank canvas of love. The space in which the moment our Light Sparked, all was possible.
It’s all energy. And when you decided to go all in, accept the process and give yourself permission to Receive what is waiting for you, KANIKA will be there.
As her own consciousness, she is more than just a Therapy, she is Unity in Action.
Laura Cantrell
I work with your bones, Ancient scrolls of your genetic wisdom. Your story of shadow and light.
I work with your fascia, Memory keeper of pain frozen in time. Patterns locked waiting to be unravelled.
I work with your organs, Understanding your relationship with your inner vitality … or lack of.
I work with your meridians, a Language of light/ energy. Unblocking kinks in your energetic information highways.
I work with emotions, Too fast, too soon, too much… perhaps frozen in time. Helping you move into maturity by understanding how you weave your emotional dynamics and taking response-ability to transform through your wounding pattern to see your gifts.
I work with your mental plane, de-conditioning how you see your world. How you think about yourself, rewiring your attractor field, shifting how you relate, create, BE.

I work with your soul, your ancestral lineage, your timelines and your capacity to love through all layers we unravel and weave anew the tapestry that is the story of YOU.

Kanika Practitioner Certification
New pod starting in March 2025
Dates: March 2025 │ Thursdays at 9:00 AM NZST │ 90-minute weekly sessions plus Online Weekend Opening Ceremony (tba)
Module One - The ONE - The Beginning, is the Central Electromagnetic CoreHealthy Facilitation and Trauma Informed Training Returning to Core Essence and Erotic Innocence Key Values and Ethics in Leadership and Trauma Release Coaching Embodiment Awareness and how to Lead from the Front
Module Two - Common UnityThe Key Factors of Community and how to assimilate from Shame distortion. Releasing the Ancestral Trauma’s linked to Collaboration and Leadership Embodying the Divine Mother Ceremonial Essence, for return of your unique purpose within the Hive. Releasing Familial trauma loops in order find flow and union within group mentality.
Module Three - Spirit - ConsciousnessBridging Higher Consciousness into BEing, to move from Soul’s desires. Releasing the Law of Manifestation trauma and assimilating with true heart lead leadership internally and externally. Repaving a path to internal intimacy, in order to find healthier union with SELF and Creator. Clearing the Lungs and Large Intestine and Air Element trauma, to lead from a deep sustaining healthy functional breath.
Module Four - Earth - MatterDropping self into the Truth of the Matter, the Mother Energy. Releasing the trauma of being in the body, in the hu-man to allow for deeper integration of what you want to LAND. Cultivating deep internal SAFETY in order to create a life with more ease and free flow of energy. Penetrating the Meridian of Spleen and Stomach, Earth in order to find inner balance and union, in and of the microbiome and manifestation
Module Five - Past - WoodClearing the core wounds around ancestral and familial karmic patterns. Releasing any and all bitterness and anger towards Creation and Destruction patterns. Detoxification of Past experiences that are leading the trauma looping, including and not limited to the Gallbladder and Liver. Creating a Viable and healthy relationship with the Wood Element and Liver and Gallbladder for deeper Wisdom to take place and land. Allowing healthier patterns of Planning and Decision Making.
Module Six - Future - Metal1. Finding the solution in every obstacle by being pragmatic and releasing the pressure of time constraints ON THE BODY. 2. Navigating the heart chakra strings and realigning to True North and True Earth alignment. Including but not limited to Earth Ley lines etc. 3. Clearing the Heart and Small Intestine Meridians of False Armour, opening to RECEIVING the truth of the Divine Feminine and Masculine Union within. 4. Leading with the conductivity and refinement of your Truth, for you and your client.
Module Seven - Feminine - WaterRewiring the consciousness of water through the lens of perception shifts. Aligning to the truest, most powerful and sovereign version of flow, which leads with the healthy feminine archetypes. Clearing the Mother, daughter and sisterhood wounds, in order to find deep satisfaction in life in general. Rebirthing the Adrenal, Kidney and Bladder meridian for the Divine Harmony of Water and it’s natural way of momentum, for all beings including self and Earth.
Module Eight - Masculine - FireReuniting the ignition space with the burning down of energies that no longer serve the collective and family good. Allowing Structure to secure freedom for all, through releasing the body of immasculated masculine energies. Opening the Form within the body, to hold much higher Quantum technology, through the embodiment of protection and penetration. Cleansing the Pericardium and Triple Warmer energies of greed, hatred and ancestral weaving of war, through clearing the Father line. Opening the body to REceiving big money, abundance, prosperity and ease.
Module Nine - Birthing - EtherThe Unspoken - formless version of self, that exists in all dimensions being released to the World for the Union and Sanctity of Co-creation. Reminding the hu-man of their purpose, truth and belonging, especially when birthing oneself to the highest iteration of self. Returning home through the journey of self and the mirror reflection, in order to now clear the cache records for any children of the sun to be born Sovereign in nature. REBIRTHING oneself to serve clients at the utmost integrity of Soul and Body United, where rupture is safe and repair is nurtured.
/m NZD
(18 monthly payments)
Kanika Practitioner Certification
Weekly Bone Therapy
Support Pod
Life-time Access to Recordings
In-person Retreat
3 x VIP Sessions
/m NZD
(18 monthly payments)
Kanika Practitioner Certification
Weekly Bone Therapy
Support Pod
Life-time Access to Recordings
In-person Retreat
/m NZD
(18 monthly payments)
Kanika Practitioner Certification
Weekly Bone Therapy
Support Pod
Life-time Access to Recordings
become a force of transformation
Learn to honor the sacred wisdom stored in the bones—the core of creation—and unlock a new level of alignment, flow, and purpose.